Project to insert compact dwelling into tight site in Conservation Area.
The aim is to careful insert a modest family house into a 4.3 metre wide site surrounded by trees and existing structures within the Brandling Park Conservation Area.
The house comprises three distinct built elements: A two story element onto the street front, a single story bedroom element and a glazed link corridor between.
Great care has been taken to plan the accommodation efficiently and utilise limited aspect to maintain visible connections between open spaces at all times. A small courtyard garden is key to this strategy and provides a central focus and principal aspect to all accommodation.
A single story bedroom element is situated to the rear of the plot with a generous aspect onto the courtyard garden. A fully glazed link corridor connects both building elements providing enclosure to the eastern side of the courtyard. The principal elevation echoes that of a simple mews coach house, as often located to the rear of a grand terrace residence.
External appearance is kept deliberately simple. A palate of high quality, traditional, natural materials is employed in a simple contemporary manner. Principally, reclaimed brick and untreated timber will be contrasted against large panes of full height glazing.
Brickwork proposed will be a suitable high grade locally reclaimed brick. Flush pointed and carefully detailed, with the express intention of blending seamlessly with the predominant brick stock of the Conservation Area.